Invitation Meeting November 15, 2013

Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde der GPWA,

 wir laden Euch herzlich ein

zu unserem Treffen am

Freitag, 15. November 2013
  um 18:00 Uhr im

Southfield Marriott Hotel
27033 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48034

Reservierungen und Fragen

bitte bis Mittwoch, 13. November 
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Cost:  $27 per person (member & non-member price) includes delicious dinner buffet and dessert


Sprecher: Sergeant Philip A. Reich
Topic: Safety Concerns

Sgt. Philip A. Reich has been involved in a broad spectrum of activities during his thirty-year career as a police officer and educator.

Sgt. Reich’s career as a police officer for the City of Detroit spanned from May, 1977 to September, 2007. His duties throughout his career included: patrol operations, special patrol operations, investigative operations, Vice and License Section, Organized Crime Unit, and motorcycle gang investigations.

In addition, Sgt. Reich worked as an investigator for the Office of the Chief Investigator, and was a member of the support staff for the City of Detroit, Board of Police Commissioners.

In 1998, Sgt. Reich was assigned to the Firearms Training Unit, a specialized section of the Detroit Metropolitan Police Academy, as a certified instructor.

In 2004, Sgt. Reich was reassigned to the Sixth Precinct), as the Officer-in-Charge of Precinct Patrol Operations, and cellblock supervisor, specializing in ‘high-risk’ detainees.

Education has been an important part of Sgt. Reich’s life and career. His academic accomplishments include: Associate of Arts (A.A.); Bachelor of Science in Psychology (B.S.); Master of Education in Educational Psychology (M.Ed.); Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice/Psychology (Ph.D. – Honorary).

Sgt. Reich’s academic research as a life-long student of human behavior includes a diverse list of research, to wit:

– Inveterate Teratogenic Effects of Alcohol, (2002)

– Transexualism: The Role of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BSTc) in

– Nature v. Nurture: Sex Differentiation Through Chromosomal Pairing, (2003)

– Comparing Serial Position Effects as a Result of Word Speed in Free Recall, (2003)

– Role of the Palate in Articulation of Speech Sounds, (2007)

– Effects of Gender Bias in the Classroom (2008)

– Differential Gender Socialization (2009)

– Value of a Token Economy System Relative to Student Motivation and Learning

– Effects of Peer Influences on Academic Performance (2013)

As an educator, Sgt. Reich has worked as a substitute teacher (grades K-12); Southfield Public School District, Southfield, Michigan.

In addition, Sgt. Reich has lectured at the college-level since 1987, and is still active as a guestlecturer at numerous colleges and universities, including:

– Lansing Community College

– Oakland Police Academy (Oakland University)

– University of Detroit – Mercy

– Wayne State University

Sgt. Reich’s philosophy is: “Failure is not an obstacle, but an important learning experience. Through untiring perseverance and the belief in your self as a thinking, functioning human being… all things are possible.”