Invitation Meeting May 16, 2014

Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde der GPWA,

 wir laden Euch herzlich ein

zu unserem Treffen am

Freitag, den 16. Mai 2014
  um 18:00 Uhr im

Southfield Marriott Hotel
27033 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48034

Reservierungen und Fragen

bitte bis Dienstag, 13. Mai
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Kosten:  $28 pro Person (Mitglieder und Gäste) , ein reichhaltiges  warmes Buffet sowie Dessert sind inbegriffen. 

Bezahlung mit Scheck ist erwuenscht.  Scheck ausgestellt auf “GPWA” – Danke!


Speaker: Chris Stepien

Topic:  Three Days : The Search for the Boy Messiah

StepienChris Stepien began his broadcast TV career in 1979 for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in Detroit, where he won six Emmy Awards producing, directing and writing a variety of programs. 

Since 1987, Stepien has crafted marketing and advertising for global clients as a writer-creative director.  A lifelong metro Detroiter and Catholic, Stepien attended parochial schools and was an altar boy.  He an his wife, Ellen, have two adult sons, Alex and Mike.  Chris and Ellen are Vincentian, active members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  Their core mission is to respond to the needs of poor families in the surrounding community, visit them in their homes and provide financial assistance, guidance, friendship and hope.