German Language School offering classes for Children and Adults
The Deutsche Sprachschule Bloomfield, Inc. (DSB) is a German language school, founded 1999 as a non-profit Organization. Since 2007 it has been registered as a partner and testing school of the German Central Agency of Schools Abroad (ZfA) by the German government.
We offer a variety of programs:
- Early Music Education (Musikzwerge)
- Preschool (German Kindergarten)
- Kindergarten (German Vorschule)
- German Native Speaker Grade 1-12
- German Second Language Grade 1-12
- Adult Classes (German as a Foreign Language)
- French
German lessons for children take place once a week (Wednesday or Thursday) from 4:30pm to 7:00pm and the adult classes Thursdays from 4:45pm to 6:45pm. The Musikzwerge program is offered Mondays from 10:00am to 11:00am. Teaching location is the Berkshire Middle School (21707 W 14 Mile Rd, Beverly Hills, MI 48025).
Please check out our website for more information. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Sabine Greiss
Phone 248.755.7317
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Deutsche Sprachschule Bloomfield, Inc
145 S.Livernois Rd. #251
Rochester Hills, MI 48307